At Pasadena Intermediate School, programmes are designed to develop each student to the best of their natural abilities. This can be best done when there is a close co-operation between the home and the school. In different situations each has a knowledge of the child that is helpful to the other.


With their parents’/caregivers’ approval and at their own risk, students may have mobile telephones at school. They must however, be turned off during all class and school activity time.


Students will receive five Newsletters, at approximately two week intervals, each term, to take home to their families.
The Newsletters are also published on our Website and families with email addresses are forwarded the link to the page on the day the Newsletter is published.
Two household families may have a second copy of each Newsletter forwarded, by providing stamped self addressed envelopes to the school office at the beginning of each term.
Our Newsletters are designed to ADVISE about coming events and activities and school operation, to REPORT about student and school achievement and activities and to INFORM parents/caregivers about important education, community and school issues. When space permits, appropriate community notices will also be included.


As required by current legislation, Pasadena Intermediate School transfers all Ministry of Education required records for students moving from Pasadena Intermediate School to other intermediate schools and to high schools and colleges.


The requirements of the information age are making ever increasing demands on our telephone system. In addition to providing full time internet access for all classroom computers, administration computers and mobile laptop computers, we also have available for student classroom use, a number of cordless telephones.
In bound and out bound voicemail is available outside office hours. Parents may leave messages, report an absence or listen to information about upcoming school activities, including postponements and changes of venues for sports tournaments.


The development of sound work habits is seen as an important outcome of our classroom and school programmes. With consideration to the other demands of school, community and home life, homework will be a daily feature of each student‘s school programme.
Parent/Caregiver support is vital in helping the students develop these important work ethic habits.
It is at the discretion of Syndicates and Classroom Teachers to set the homework requirements for their students, but as a guide:


The school accepts in today’s busy schedule there will be occasions when parents/caregivers need to get important telephone, fax or Email messages to their children. The school will make every effort to forward these messages. However, the administration staff cannot accept responsibility if a student does not receive a message.
We also accept there will be occasions during the school day, when students need to contact members of their family. With the approval of their classroom teacher, students are able to use a school telephone to do this. Because of the demands of school management and school activities, these calls will be restricted to important matters. Students are not permitted to contact their parents/caregivers via their mobile telephones or text directly during school hours, all contacts need to be approved by and must be made via the classroom teacher or school office.


It is our policy to contact parents/caregivers early if problems arise and hope that this is a two-way process.
In addition to the skilled professionals of the faculty, the school has access to a range of support services that are available to students and parents/caregivers.


In recognition of student’s growing maturity and independence, each year the school publishes a Student Information Book.
The Book includes relevant information about school expectations, services, programmes and activities. It is intended that students use the book to inform themselves about the school; to help them make informed choices and to help them manage their time and commitments.
Each class has hard copies of the book and an electronic version is also available to students on the school intranet.

Education Review Office (ERO) Report

December 2017
The Education Review Office gave Pasadena Intermediate School an outstanding report following its most recent assessment visit. It noted that School data shows students achieving well in National Standards….

Jonathan Hughes

Students at Pasadena always come first. In our learning environment students will learn, grow and develop socially, intellectually and culturally over the two years they are with us. We pride ourselves on providing an innovative and holistic education where personal excellence is achieved.