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Pasadena Intermediate School Newsletter

Phone: 8462169

Wednesday 10 February 2021
 Newsletter Term 1 Edition 1

Principals News

Kia ora tatou. I hope everybody made the most of the long holiday and spent time with their family and friends. It has been great to hear all of the student's experiences in the holiday break. 

A big welcome to the parents new to Pasadena. As I mentioned at the Powhiri on the first day of school, you are a huge part of our school so always feel welcome to visit us and get involved in the many experiences that Pasadena has to offer. 

In the first week of school, the teachers have been doing several "getting to know you" activities to ensure that relationships are formed within the classroom. Strong relationships are the cornerstone of our school. 

We have also put together a "Welcome to Pasadena" guide for new parents which can be downloaded by going to 

I look forward to getting to know all of our community in the upcoming weeks. I am at the gate at 3 pm most days saying goodbye to our students, so feel free to come and say hello and introduce yourself. The forthcoming Meet the Teacher Picnic Night on Wednesday 10 February will also be another opportunity to meet families. Please come up and introduce yourself. 

In the last week of the holidays, our staff attended several Professional Development days. These included an induction day for new staff, a curriculum development day with a focus on Collaboration and a team-building day where groups of staff competed against each other in a cooking challenge and sports challenges. These enabled the staff to be 100% ready for the first day of school. 

Meet the Pasadena Staff

This year we have four new staff, Amelia Mulligan, the teacher of Room 1, Amanda Kemp the teacher in Room 8, Kelly Allington our Food and Nutrition Teacher and Amelia Farras who is doing Learning Support and Teacher Release. We also welcome back Gina Pettitt- Edbrooke, who has returned after having children.  

To view all of the teacher's Bios, please go to and click on the teachers names to see information about the teachers. 

How do we communicate at Pasadena?

  • Class Newsletter goes out to parents on the first Wednesday of each term
  • Parent Weekly Sheet – every Friday, our Deputy Principal, Mary Pretorius, will send a "what's on" email to parents. This identifies all of the activities that are on in the week
  • School App – click on to download
  • School Newsletter – Emailed out to parents 3 times a term on a Wednesday
  • School website  – information regarding the school, calendar of events, staff emails and detailed information regarding the school
  • School Facebook page Facebook
  • Teachers email – email addresses can be accessed on our school website staff email addresses 
  • Office email – 

Meet the Teacher BBQ

We look forward to seeing whanau tonight Wednesday 10 February at 6pm at our Meet the Teacher BBQ.  Please head directly to your child’s classroom where you will learn more about their teacher, classroom programme and an overview for the year.  A picnic will follow, please bring food along, with sausages and drinks available for purchase for $2 as well.

School Counsellor

We have a new school counsellor Rebecca, who is available to work with students on Thursdays.  She will be visiting classes to introduce herself and explain how to make an appointment.  Students can make referrals to see her by emailing, parents are also able to make contact with her as well. 


It’s great to see students organised and wearing their uniform with pride.  A reminder that students need to wear a school hat every day in order to be sun safe and shoes must be black with black laces.  It is essential that students bring their PE gear, especially during this hot weather, so they can participate fully.  All uniform items should be labelled clearly in the case it is misplaced, so that it can returned.  Lost property can be located in the School Office.   If for some reason, a student is unable to wear the correct uniform they need to bring a note from their parent or caregiver to our Deputy Principal, Mary Pretorius, who will give them a uniform pass.


The netball season for 2021 will be starting early this year.
Trials will be held February 23-25 from 1-3pm each day. These are run by North Harbour Netball. Over the next few days I will be organising an online sign up form, as well as a Code of Conduct. These will be emailed out to the parents and caregivers. I ask that you fill these out immediately if your child is interested in playing netball so that we can get things organised for the trials. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at

Māori Extension Classes

Tēnā koutou katoa i roto i ngā tini āhuatanga o te wā.

From Week 3 onwards, we will be starting our new te reo Māori bilingual programme here at Pasadena Intermediate. These sessions will be every Thursday from block 1 to 3 with Kapa Haka in block 4. The preferred student for this programme will have had experience in bilingual/Māori-medium education in their primary school. This programme will focus on advanced vocabulary, complex sentence structures, te ao Māori, and te reo pāngarau. Please note that this is not a programme for those new to te reo Māori. Also, students can only be signed up for this pathway by their parents.

If you have any questions, or you would like to enrol your child into this programme, please contact with a brief of your child's understanding or past experience in te reo Māori.

Nāku noa, nā

Matua Donovan.

Central Zone Sports

We have a huge range of sports teams at Pasadena, and the opportunity to represent the school at Central Zone competitions is something the students really look forward to. Below is a quick guide of how students can sign up for sports teams at Pasadena. 

The Process
Step 1: Three or more weeks before the event a signup sheet will be put into the school daily notices by the teacher in charge of the event. Students are to make sure that their classroom teacher has put their name onto the Google doc that is attached to the daily notices. 

Step 2: The teacher in charge will then post on the school daily notices when and where the trials will take place. For each sporting event, there will a minimum of 3 trials. Students need to make sure that they are wearing their full PE uniform and have signed in with the teacher at each trial. If they happen to be away for a trial date, they need to go and see the teacher in charge to tell them in case a further session needs to take place. 

Step 3: Based on the trials the teacher in charge will select the team. The number of students that are selected will depend on how many students are allowed to attend the event. 

Step 4: The teacher in charge will post the team list in the school daily notices, as well as when and where practices will take place. At this time a notice will also be sent home with each student, asking for permission for the student to attend the event and it will also have the important information about the zone day. We will also on occasions need to ask parents to assist with transport. 

Step 5: Students are to bring back the signed permission form into the office. Once handed into the office, Lina will record it down on the excel spreadsheet.

Riding bikes and Scooters

If students are riding bikes and scooters to school, please make sure they are locked in the bike racks at the front of the school. All students must wear a helmet. 

Pasadena welcomes Auckland University students

Here at Pasadena we work closely with Auckland University to mentor people who are training to become teachers. This year Mr Brown, Ms Maxted, Ms Abercrombie and Mr Ward have student teachers in their rooms. They will be attending Pasadena for the first 3 weeks of Term 1 and then returning every Wednesday and Thursday until June. They have all made a great start and have enjoyed getting to know the students in their allotted classes.

Devices at Pasadena 

The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program movement has been gaining popularity over the past few years across schools nationwide and allows students to use personal devices for curriculum related activities. 

As a result, Pasadena is a BYOD school with the expectation that every student will bring a device from home to class every day.

With the development of the new flexible learning spaces at Pasadena, the presence and availability of devices for each student in the classroom is becoming a necessity. With the introduction of the new Digital Curriculum, which our school is leading the way in the local area, technology and devices are being molded into the everyday teaching programme.

At Pasadena we see the use of technological devices in class as the natural way to move forward and keep up in a tech-dependent world. The school has invested over the last 3 years to supply each class with a small selection of Chromebooks. Moving forward we feel that the BYOD programme enables the majority of students to work together using personal tools that they are already comfortable with.

Any questions, contact our Digital Leader Keith Ward at

Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC)

EOTC is being held from the 29th March to the 1st of April, 2021.  Students will be doing activities over 2 days to build their connections with one another and develop their leadership and collaborative skills.  The activities are run by instructors from Birkenhead Leisure Centre with support from their classroom teacher.

Activities include: Chariots (land raft building), Rock Climbing, Orienteering, High ropes, Bush Walk, Disc golf/Archery.

The approximate cost for EOTC will be $120, this will be confirmed in late February.

For EOTC to run successfully we need parents to come and assist us, so please put the date in your diaries.  More information will be shared at the EOTC Parent Information Evening on Tuesday 9th March at 6.15pm.

Save the Date

Saturday 13 March and Sunday 14 March for the Pasadena Pasifika Parking fundraiser.  This is our main fundraiser for the year and we will need many hands to help out. More information to follow. 


Positive Behaviour for Learning initiatives help parents, whānau, teachers and schools address problem behaviour, improve children’s well-being, and increase educational achievement. By strengthening relationships and creating more positive home and school environments we remove barriers to engagement and improve students’ chances to achieve at school and beyond.

Purpose statement

The purpose of PB4L-School Wide in Pasadena Intermediate is to create a safe and supportive environment which nurtures students allowing them to achieve personal excellence.

PB4L at Pasadena

At Pasadena, we have 4 Values (PASA Values). These are:

Proud - We are proud, and show respect for ourselves, each other and our school.

Active - We are active in our learning and our communities.

Safe - We are safe in what we do and the choices we make.

Achievers - We are achievers who aim high and work towards our goals.

Honours System

During the two years at Pasadena, students will have the opportunity to receive their Honours award. To receive this, a student will need to have a total of 15 certificates across the School Values - 3 of each Value (Proud, Active, Safe and Achiever) and then 3 extra certificates from any Value. These certificates can include class certificates, sports day certificates, academic awards etc. The Principal’s award is awarded by Mr Hughes or Ms Pretrious at assembly for a student/s who has shown exceptional effort/achievement in one or multiple School Values. When applying for their Honours, a student will then have to identify how they show pride, demonstrate being active and safe, and achieve in a range of areas across the school. This is then followed up with a conversation with Mr Hughes who will ask the student questions about their involvement and commitment to the culture and life of Pasadena Intermediate School.


Tokens are given out when students have displayed a PASA value in the classroom or out in the playground. Each coloured token relates a value - PROUD - blue, ACTIVE - green, SAFE - red and ACHIEVER - yellow/gold. When a student receives a token, they will put it into their class token jar. Once this jar is full, their class will receive a class reward during one class block. Students help choose this reward.

Once a class jar has been filled, it will be emptied into the PASA token jars in the office. Once one of these jars have been filled, there will be a whole school reward. This will be communicated to students and whānau when reached.

Upcoming Events


10 Meet the Teacher picnic
11 HWC (Homework Club)
12 Formal Assembly
15 C@P Meeting
17 BoT Meeting
18 HWC
19 Singing Assembly
22 Student Council Applications open
23 CZ Tennis girls
25 CZ Tennis boys
26 Formal Assembly


2 CZ Softball boys
4 CZ Softball girls
5 Singing Assembly
9 CZ Cricket boys
   EOTC Parent Info Evening
11 CZ Cricket girls
12 Formal Assembly
13 Pasifika Parking 
14 Pasifika Parking
16 CZ League Tag


March (cont.)

17 AAIMS Softball girls
     Pasifika Fono 6pm-7.45pm
18 CZ Swimming
19 Duathlon
     Singing Assembly 
23 CZ Orienteering
24 Māori Hui
25 Class & Individual photo's
     Assessment Parent Info Evening
26 Formal Assembly
29 EOTC Week


2 Good Friday/ Easter
   Social 6.30pm-8pm
9 Formal Assembly
14 Student Led Conferences 1pm-8pm
15 Student Led Conferences 1pm-6pm
     NO HWC
16 2pm finish - last day of Term 1


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