The Bay of Islands offers Northlands most scenic landscape
The Bay of Islands was the first area colonized by European settlers. It has a huge amount of Maori and European history with the Treaty of Waitangi being signed at Waitangi in 1840.
Below the water we have a unique environment. The Cape Brett Peninsula is washed with the East Auckland Current. This is a branch of the East Australian Current and brings tropical fish to a temperate zone. We see fish like Lord Howe Coralfish, Gold Ribbon Grouper, and Toadstool Grouper. We are also lucky that we get Stingrays breeding in our caves and archways. During the summer months large schools of fish can be seen feeding on the surface around the Hole in the Rock. Deep Water Cove is now a marine reserve and has an abundant amount of fish life inhabiting the wreck of the Canterbury.

Travelling to Paihia from Auckland
Intercity Coachlines
New Zealand National Passenger Network. Free phone from NZ: 0800-468-372. Intercity Coaches depart from Sky City, central Auckland.
Air New Zealand Flights
From Auckland to Bay of Islands Airport departing from Auckland Domestic Air Terminal. This flight is 45 minutes. The airport is approximately 22km from Paihia, Bay of Islands. The airport has shuttle buses to bring you to your hotel on request.
Driving from Auckland is probably the most simple journey possible. Just head north on state highway 1 till you see a turn off for state highway 10. Follow signs to Bay Of Islands and then Paihia. You will see us on the right hand side of the road next to the ASB Bank.

Diving Packages
Experience Scuba Diving in the Bay Of Islands.