Copywriting is an essential element of successful online marketing. It is both a science and an art. Besides, practical and persuasive, the result should also be inspiring. Direct-response copywriting means strategically using words to get people to take action, whether that implies buying something, calling a number, or signing up for a newsletter. Here are some tips of making your copy more effective:
1. Determine the optimum length
Should you use a long copy or short copy? The length of your copy should depend on various factors like –the product, target market, the goal of your copy, the medium, and others.
As a general rule, an expensive product requires longer copy because people need to know why they should pay more for the item or service. If your are selling a long-term membership program, for example, a 10-page sales letter that details all the benefits, shows proof, and describes your guarantee may be appropriate, as long as cut out the fluff.
On the other hand, if the product requires less of a commitment or is cheap, a short paragraph will convert better. Short copy is also necessary in some platforms, such as Google Adwords and Twitter. As a writer, you need to capture attention quickly by using few but appropriate words.
2. Learn about your target audience
Who is your target audience? Know as much as you can about that demographic. It’s easier to segment your audience into specific targeted clusters so you can write an appropriate copy for each of them. It’s much easier to talk to a group of similar people than it is to address a heterogeneous group of consumers by using a single writing style.
For instance, writing for women aged 18 to 65 is harder than writing for a smaller age group. A 19-year-old girl doesn’t have the same interests and concerns as a 35-year old woman or a 60-year-old lady. It’s more effective to break the group into smaller categories and write a copy for each.
3. Develop one main idea
The practise of developing one idea and then writing makes it compelling and tight regardless of the length. You should also keep in mind that the one main idea should weave throughout the entire copy. It should keep you on track and naturally eliminate the excess. During editing, remove anything that does not directly support that idea.
4. Use simpler language
Avoid using big and difficult words, use words that are easily comprehended by readers even with the average level of understanding. This does not imply that the readers are dump, but when you write in simple language besides understanding, readers also finds it easy to remember what they have read. Smooth and easy to read texts convert more effectively. Multiple revisions are typically necessary to make your copy as tight and compelling as possible.
5. Work towards a clear goal
What do you ultimately want your readers to do? Do you want them to visit a certain website? Click the ‘buy now’ button? Give you their email address? Once you have figured out your goal, think about what it might take to convince an average member of your target market to do as you ask.
If you’re finding this task difficult, write your call to action before you write the rest of the copy. Doing this gives you content a flow, and an impactful ending.
6. Include a guarantee
A guarantee makes the reader feel more secure about signing up for the newsletter or buying the product or service. It has been shown to increase conversions. Make it short and clear—satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.
7. Test your copy
Testing allows you to see what style converts best for your target audience. To measure the performance of several campaigns, set up links for different copy variations using tools like Google URL Builder. Google Analytics will then start to track conversions from those links, showing which copy led to the most purchases or signups. In some cases, you might not need to do a major rewrite. Small changes such as changing headline or even the size of your font can make a huge impact.